If you are a stadium technology professional, you should be taking our yearly Stadium Connectivity Outlook survey, which is available right here to take right now.
I know everyone is busy, and nobody likes the constant asks to take surveys, which have become an AI-driven nag with almost every interaction we have with companies in our daily lives. But our survey isn’t some internal marketing thing designed to improve our operations. It is an exercise in finding out as best as possible what is going on in the stadium technology deployment world, and then turning around and making that information available to our readers.
For free. No cost. As the only publication anywhere that covers the stadium and large public-venue technology world as its only focus, we feel an obligation to do as much as we can for you, the stadium technology professional, to help you in your job and to help your venue craft the best stadium technology strategy possible.
How does that happen? In this industry, more than any other I’ve covered, I am always amazed by how powerful word of mouth is when it comes to new technology. When Stadium A decides to install some technology and it’s successful, you can pretty much predict that Stadiums B, C and D will be fast followers. That’s how it works in this industry — since stadium tech teams don’t compete with each other, they are always willing and able to share information with their compatriots.
So that is what our survey tries to do — extend that sharing philosophy in a way that we hope provides an extra boost to those one-on-one conversations. By asking as many people as we can to tell us of their insights and strategies, we get a snapshot of where the industry overall is at a moment in time — just another big data point to help you do better.
But this isn’t something we can do on our own. I try to do as many interviews and stories about deployments as I can, but time and space limits my reach. For the survey to work, we need YOUR input — You, the stadium tech professional — and the more that reply, the better the survey is.
Who should take the survey? If you are one of our readers who is directly involved with the selection, deployment or approval of in-venue technology deployments (and this can be an in-house or outside consultant role), I ask — help us here at Stadium Tech Report help your peers by taking the survey, which is live now on our site. Like the previous two years, it is short and can be taken on your phone, in just a few minutes’ time.
We’ve got about two more weeks to accept survey responses, so get over to our site and give us your knowledge. In addition to our usual output of all survey results and a white paper analysis, this year we will also have a live webinar discussing the results. So get your replies in today, and tell a few friends to respond as well. Thanks in advance for your help!